Uncomplicated, great-tasting wine with a sweet + soulful spirit.

Grown Folks Sweet Red Blend

Grown Folks Bubbly with Peach

Why Grown Folks?

Grown Folks is a certified minority-owned and operated beverage brand. We craft our products specifically for consumers who have historically been underserved and left behind. Diverse consumers have unique tastes and preferences that traditional and current players simply have not valued. Our parents' generation knew nothing about wine quality nor cared about what foods to pair it with. It was intimidating and out of reach for them. They just wanted something that tasted good, felt good, and would allow all their troubles to melt away with one sweet sip. So, we’ve bottled up our black heritage and shared experiences. And we created our own seat at the table. The Grown Folks table. Grown Folks Wines are very proudly and unapologetically SWEET, SIMPLE + SOULFUL.

We Are Grown Folks.

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